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Can Circadian Rhythm Affect Weight?

Oct 26, 2024

4 min read




Have you ever experienced sluggishness, unwanted weight gain, or just felt like the last few pounds won't shift. It might not be just down to diet and exercise but could also be linked to your circadian rhythm – your body's internal clock that regulates various functions according to a 24-hour cycle.

Many of us feel as though we have no time to add in any new health practices but simply aligning our circadian rhythm to the natural light and dark cycles could hold the key to optimising metabolism.

Let’s delve into how syncing up with your body's clock can impact your overall health, particularly in terms of weight management.

Understanding Circadian Rhythms Before we get into how circadian rhythms affect your health, let's understand what they are. Circadian rhythms are biological processes that follow a 24-hour cycle, influenced primarily by light and darkness. These rhythms regulate numerous bodily functions, such as sleep-wake cycles, hormone production, metabolism, and overall energy levels.

The Role of Circadian Rhythms in Weight Management One aspect influenced by circadian rhythms is how our body processes the food we eat. Research shows that when your internal clock is out of sync with natural light cycles, it can lead to disruptions in metabolic function - like insulin resistance - potentially contributing to weight gain or difficulties in losing weight. By aligning our circadian rhythm, we can optimise vital metabolic processes, enhancing weight management efforts.

How Do We Align Circadian Rhythm?

Optimising Our Evening Routine One of the easiest ways to sync up our circadian rhythm is to start with our evening habits. Turning the lights down low after sunset, blocking blue light and not eating too close to bedtime allows time for the body to make adequate melatonin to induce a natural and restorative sleep. Which in turn will make it much easier to get up in the morning, who doesn't want that?

Optimising Our Morning Routine Waking up to see sunrise (or at very least getting 15-30mins of morning light with bare eyes) will tell the body's master clock that the day has begun. Getting outside in the morning will also boost mood, energy levels and prepare us for the day. And it doesn't matter if it's overcast, you'll still get the benefit!

Regular Exposure to Natural Light Aim to get sunlight exposure periodically throughout the day, but especially in the morning, as it helps signal the body that it's the right time to be awake and alert.

Blocking Blue Light Almost all screens and lightbulbs emit a huge amount of light in the blue part of the spectrum which is completely unnatural to our biology; these spikes in blue, and even green light, has the effect of telling our bodies that it is daytime, so you can imagine what happens if we are exposed to it at night time.

The invention and widespread use of LED lighting is very recent in our history; it wasn't until around 2010 that LED bulbs became affordable and widely used in homes. Before that we had incandescent bulbs (the ones with the filament) and those bulbs emit a spectrum of light that is much closer to that of a candle or a fire, which does not have a huge spike of blue light.

Below you can see the difference between the spectrums of natural sunlight and standard LED light:

It's this peak of blue light that will switch off our melatonin production - when we are exposed to it at night - that will negatively affect our quality of sleep.

After sunset, dimming lights and limiting exposure to screens will reduce the amount of unnatural blue light entering our eyes so that the body realises its night time. If screens are necessary after sunset then a pair of amber toned blue-blocking glasses can really help.

Balancing Nutrition Our food choices and meal timing also plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm. Avoiding eating between sunset and sunrise gives the body time to rest and repair; ideally allowing at least 12hrs between dinner and breakfast will give the body adequate time to perform essential maintenance while we sleep.

Choosing unprocessed, local and seasonal foods is a great foundation for optimal nutrition.

Embracing a Healthier Lifestyle

What to Expect from a Balanced Circadian Rhythm By aligning our circadian rhythm with the natural light and dark cycles, we can experience a range of health benefits far beyond weight management, I'd even go so far as to say that losing weight is a side benefit! Improved sleep quality, enhanced energy levels, better focus and concentration, balanced hormones and better resiliency against illness are just some of the advantages of maintaining a healthy internal clock.

My Personal Experience For many years I'd been striving to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle but until I discovered the importance of circadian rhythms I just didn't feel like I was there. I've noticed a significant difference in my overall well-being since aligning my circadian rhythm. Better sleep, increased energy, focus and motivation are a fraction of the positive outcomes I've experienced from this lifestyle adjustment. Seeing my family benefit too has been a joy in itself!

In conclusion, recognising the impact of our modern lifestyles on circadian rhythm is essential for optimising long-term health. By making simple adjustments to our daily routine, such as seeing morning light, blocking blue light at night, and prioritising real food, you can sync up your internal clock and reap the rewards of a healthier, more balanced life.

Now let's get out there and see some beautiful sunrises!

Natural Light Exposure


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